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The Official website for Zeydaan's art, lore and Commissions

Of Transformation, The Multiverse and Xenoblade Furries

Commission Information and Calculator

Commission price calculator

Commissions typically work on a 'per-character' pricing basis. With a general formulae being each additional character or panel adding +50% of the base price. If you're interested in getting a commission, the below calculator will have generate a range of prices which factor in complexity of lining and shading.

Complex characters, armor and outfits will add an additional £20 to each image appearing. The usual rule being 'would this outfit look out of place in a Kingdom Hearts game' is a good measure for complexity. If in doubt, this can be discussed during the commissioning process.

Prices can be subject to change depending on commission, and are in GBP (£)

Total Price Range

Minimum Price - Maximum Price

Commission Option Quantity Quantity (Complex Character)

Headshot / Bodypart

Individual headshot or bodypart, often used for detailing, base price £20 (note: additional headshots will not cost any less than £20)

Bust / Limb

View from the shoulders up or an entire limb, base price £40


Half of a fullbody, often showing down to the waist, base price £50


Complete view of a character, base price £60


Items the character would be directly interacting with, ranging from £5 for a mug to £40 for complex mechanical weaponry. Charge is per prop and per panel.

Complicated Backgrounds

Backgrounds individually drawn, often with distinguishing features or background props. Ranges from £50 to £100 per background

Animation Frames

For animations, pricing will be different compared to still versions, cost will range from £25 to £40 per frame of a character

Alternative Versions

Alternative clothing choices, or character within the same framework or pose will depend on complexity of change, ranging from £5 to £40 per alt view/version
